Can Obesity cause Hamper Fertility?

More weight and obese women have higher levels of a hormone called leptin , which is produced in fatty tissue. This can the hormonal imbalance and lead to reduced fertility. The quantity and distribution of body fat affect the menstrual cycle through a range of hormonal mechanisms. The overweight and more fats increase the risk of fertility difficulties. Excess weight, particularly excess abdominal fat, is linked to insulin resistance and decreased levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that is involved in the regulation of the sex-hormones androgen and estrogen. This increases the risk of irregular menstrual cycles, which in turn decreases the fertility. One study found women who were obese were much less likely to conceive within one year of stopping contraception than women in the normal weight range 66.4% of obese women conceive 12 months, correlated with 81.4% of women of normal weight. Alter the fine-tuned hormonal balance that regul...